Walk a Stack


Pigment print on archival paper
46 X 28cm

Photo documentation by Hyunjung Oh 오현정
I overlaid every second of the recorded video footage shot while walking to create a single image. All the videos were recorded either during or after saying goodbyes.

산책을 기록한 영상의 매초를 겹쳐 이미지 한 장으로 만들었다. 모든 영상은 이별을 준비하는 중, 혹은 이별을 경험한 직후에 기록되었다.

Distance is Deafening, Dec 13–Dec 17 2023, CICA Museum M Gallery, Gimpo, South Korea

Click to Magnify.

From Left
Walk a Stack (2020.11.10. 5PM, Gubanpo, 142 Seconds)
Walk a Stack (2020.5.30. 2PM, Gubanpo, 145 Seconds)
Walk a Stack (2020.2.16. 1PM, Gubanpo, 314 Seconds)
Walk a Stack (2020.7.14. 7PM, Gubanpo, 246 Seconds)
Walk a Stack (2021.3.16. 9AM, Gubanpo, 322 Seconds)
Walk a Stack (2023.9.27. 5AM, San Francisco International Airport, 496 Seconds)